The Connections series is a collection of episodes celebrating the human moments we all share – moments that illustrate what we mean when we say that INTEGRIS Health is here For you. For health. For life.
Rex thought he was healthy. He didn't suffer from shortness of breath, chest pains or any of the typical heart disease symptoms. He exercised regularly and had even recently taken his family on a ski trip. Knowing the unique stress firefighting can have on the cardiovascular system, Rex's old friend and INTEGRIS Health cardiac nurse Carl Frownfelter recommended he get a HeartScan – a simple suggestion with a profound impact.
Rex McGee: No Warning
Rex had been on the life-saving side of heart attacks for decades when an INTEGRIS RN encouraged him to get a HeartScan - a simple test that saved his life.
It’s our promise and our invitation to you – to connect with you. To listen to you. To heal you and to keep you well. After all, this is the reason each of us chose health care in the first place.
Heart failure doesn’t just strike men. Women are equally at risk, as Heart Failure Institute Director Doug Horstmanshof points out. “Dr. Doug,” as he is known to his patients, also serves as the transplant and left ventricular assist device cardiologist for the INTEGRIS Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute.
INTEGRIS Health has countless stories waiting to be told. What you see here today is just the beginning. We invite you to sign up and receive updates when new stories and videos are released. We promise to respect your inbox.
A quick HeartScan can give you a clear picture of your heart's health - in less than a heartbeat. An INTEGRIS Health HeartScan requires no injections, no dyes, no fasting and no referral.
When you're facing any kind of heart problem, you don't want to think twice about whether you'll get the care you need. And at INTEGRIS Health, you don't have to.