Occupational Therapy Courses On-Demand

The INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Clinical Development Department offers our CES Series courses available online and on-demand. The CES Series online courses each include a one-hour video, a post-test and an evaluation.  Each credit hour only costs $15.

These courses are eligible for contact hours for Occupational Therapists and Assistants. 

To access these courses, click the course link below and you will be taken to the course landing page on GoTo Webinar. There you will find registration along with the course description and video.  Once you have viewed the course there’s a QR code* at the end of the video which will lead to the 10 question post-course assessment. An 80% is required on the assessment to receive the certificate. Certificates will be emailed a few minutes after receiving a passing score on the assessment. A survey can be completed after the course.   

*A link to the quiz can also be found in the follow up email from GoTo Webinar, which will be sent one hour following the course. 
Please email [email protected] with any questions or issues.

Current On-Demand Offerings for Occupational Therapy:

The following courses are only valid for the current 2022-2024 reporting period for Occupational Therapy

Caregiver Resiliency

Pushing Back Against Pusher’s Syndrome: Contralateral Pushing and Post Stroke Rehabilitation 

Motor Learning and the OPTIMAL Theory

Wound Care: An Overview of Assessment and Management Principles

Common Neuro-Ophthalmologic Conditions and How They Impact Rehabilitation

Neglect Following Acquired Brain Injury

Caring for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients

Recognizing When to Call a Code Stroke

Breaking the Cycle: A Case for Prioritizing Diabetes Management in Therapy

Trauma Informed Care: Caring for the Caregiver

Blood Flow Restricted Exercise of the Upper Extremity

Dry Needling of the Upper Extremity

Movement System Impairment (MSI) Guided Rehab Training

Soft Tissue Mobilization of the Upper Extremity

Oklahoma ABLE Tech – The State Assistive Technology (AT) Act Program for Oklahoma

Brain Injury from a Patient’s Perspective

An Overview of SpecialEffect and How They Utilize Technology to Assist Physically Disabled Gamers

Aquatic Physical Therapy Treatment Strategies in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

Chest X-rays for Therapy

Therapeutic Management of Bowel and Bladder for Patient’s with Neurological Injury

Vision & Common Eye Conditions

Parkinsonism and Rehabilitation

Principles of Orthopedic Management

Principles of Orthopedic Management of the Lumbar Spine

Neuro Examinations for the Outpatient Therapist

Extensor Tendon Repair Rehabilitation

Community Reintegration and Functional Therapy for the Inpatient Rehabilitation Population: What it is and Why it's Important!

Principles of Orthopedic Management of the Lumbar Spine: Objective Examination and Interpretation

Health Literacy: The Role of Practitioners in a Client's Right to Understand

Course Credit Approval

We make every effort to apply for continuing education credit for all of our course offerings. 

Occupational Therapy: We apply for course credit for Occupational Therapy with the Oklahoma Board of Licensure and Supervision. Courses credit is requested on an individual basis for all courses appropriate and related to the field of occupational therapy. 

General certificates of attendance are available to other attendees, however, only the disciplines specified above have these courses submitted by INTEGRIS Health. 

For OT approval please visit CE Broker for information.