Caregiver Health COVID-19 Caregiver Procedure

Caregivers are required to notify COVID caregiver health if they test positive for COVID by emailing COVID Caregiver Hotline [email protected] before completing any of the steps below


  Immediately complete the COVID-19 information form by following this link: 

                         COVID Positive Intake and Tracing Form

STEP 2: 

Read Carefully the below information that is based on the new CDC Guidelines for Healthcare Workers safely returning to work:

POSITIVE COVID-19 TEST – NO SYMPTOMS: The first possible return to work date is 5 days after a positive test if asymptomatic (without symptoms) if the criteria below are met


COVID-19 SYMPTOMS:  The first possible return to work date is 5 days after symptoms began and If all criteria below are met:

  1. Complete five (5) days of self-isolation from symptom onset or from receiving a positive test if asymptomatic.
  2. COVID related symptoms must be improving- aside from any loss of taste and smell.
  3. Be fever free (below 100.4 F/ 38C) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

STEP 3: 

Once criteria for return to work have been met AND the COVID Positive Return to Work Self -Validation Form has been completed and submitted using the link provided below, caregivers  MAY return to work. 


Upon returning to work caregivers must wear a mask until day 10 from the onset of symptoms.  

                            Covid Positive Return to Work Self-Validation Form