A "Real Heart"

Tyler Groom describes when he first awoke from surgery and received the good news that he had received a new heart.

Heart Transplant

One-year survival rates are greater than 96 percent.

When a heart is failing — whether as a result of a heart attack, long-term high blood pressure or a valve abnormality — medications can no longer manage the condition. The good news is, many patients can benefit from a heart-assist device such as an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) that is implanted to help the heart. Other patients may be in need of a brand new heart. Hear from both INTEGRIS physicians and patients below as they discuss topics including being placed on the waiting list, organ donation and heart-assist devices. To learn more, call 800-991-3349.

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Heart Transplant

INTEGRIS Health Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute