Please check back as we may be updating our visitation policy as the COVID-19 situation changes.
At this time, INTEGRIS Health supports no social visitation; however, we understand the importance of being surrounded by loved ones during this difficult time. The INTEGRIS Health Visitation Policy has changed to the below:
To provide established guidelines for INTEGRIS Health, Inc., its subsidiaries, agents, and personnel (“INTEGRIS Health”) to manage community persons access to INTEGRIS Health facilities, including friends and family members visiting patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and limiting such “Visitor” access, as defined herein.
2.0 SCOPE:
This policy shall apply to all INTEGRIS Health caregivers and all organizations and personnel (e.g., employees, independent contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.) of INTEGRIS Health and specifically, but not limited to, the CMS Providers and entities below.
INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center | INTEGRIS Grove Hospital |
INTEGRIS Bass Baptist Health Center | INTEGRIS Hospice |
INTEGRIS Canadian Valley Hospital | INTEGRIS Miami Hospital |
INTEGRIS Ambulatory Care Corporation | INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center |
Jim Thorpe Ambulatory Rehabilitation | Lakeside Women's Hospital |
INTEGRIS ProHealth, Inc. |
3.1 Visitor: A community member, including family or friend of the patient, seeking access to any patient or caregiver; excludes clergy, faith leaders, and consulting clinical professionals.
4.1 Visitor Physical Access. Visitors will be allowed to visit adult and pediatric patients in INTEGRIS Health hospital, outpatient, and ambulatory settings as provided for herein.
4.2 Clergy and Faith Leader Access: Persons who function as clergy or a faith leader for the patient will be provided access at the patient’s request, subject to infection prevention policies in place for the patient’s care environment; not included in the count of persons as a Visitor of the patient.
4.3 Visitation may be limited when:
4.3.1 The presence of the Visitor is medically or therapeutically contraindicated as determined by the attending physician.
4.3.2 The presence of the Visitor interferes with the care or rights of other patients as determined by the care team and administrative leadership.
4.3.3 Visitor is engaging in disruptive or violent behavior as determined by the care team or administrative leadership.
4.3.4 Visitor is non compliant with hospital policy as determined by administrative leadership.
4.3.5 During emergency care or critical situations wherein securing care team safety and/or a secure care environment is a necessity as determined by the care team and/or administrative leadership.
4.4 Visitor Behavior Expectations. To keep our patients, caregivers, and community safe, Visitors will:
4.4.1 Abide by applicable INTEGRIS Health policies, informative signs, and caregiver instructions,
4.4.2 Maintain a quiet and therapeutic treatment environment, and
4.4.3 Refrain from entering restricted administrative, facility operational, and patient care areas.
4.5 Specific Department Requirements: Due to factors including patient room size, vulnerability of the patient population, and security concerns, the following departments have specific exceptions to our general visitation access allowed for in Section 4.1:
4.5.1 Adult Behavioral Health units, including Arcadia Trails, permit only family therapy visits and visitation on weekends.
4.5.2 ICU patients are allowed two Visitors – pediatric Visitors are permitted, but are included in the count of two Visitors.
4.5.3 Patients in procedural areas are allowed two Visitors – pediatric Visitors are permitted, and are not included in the count of two.
4.5.4 INTEGRIS Cancer Institute patients are allowed only one Visitor in the infusion center.
4.5.5 LDRP patients are permitted up to four Visitors (not including the primary support person) at a time. During a vaginal delivery, patients are permitted up to two Visitors (not including the primary support person) at a time. During a cesarean section, patients are permitted one primary support person at a time. Visitor exceptions regarding age or number of Visitors can be at the discretion of the nurse or nurse manager.
4.5.6 Pediatrics patients are only permitted up to three Visitors at the bedside, and only adult Visitors may stay overnight. Visitor exceptions regarding age or number of Visitors can be at the discretion of the nurse or nurse manager.
4.5.7 NICU patients may receive four designated Visitors for the duration of the patient’s admission; a minor sibling may be considered one of the four Visitors if they have an up to date shot record; siblings under five years old will be determined on a case by case basis facilitated by the Child Life Specialist.
4.5.8 Special Care Nursery patients may receive up to three Visitors at the bedside, one of whom must be a banded individual at all times a Visitor is present – a banded individual is a designated person by the parent/guardian who has specific access to the newborn.
4.6 Isolation Precaution Patients. When a patient is on isolation precautions, special visitation requirements will be enforced based on CDC guidelines as contained in infection prevention policies.
4.7 Animal Visitation. Subject to the limitations contained in this policy, SYS-ADM-120 Animals in Facilities and Surrounding Property continues to provide guidelines for Caregivers to assess and meet the accommodation needs of patients and Visitors with disabilities who use service animals and for visitation of personal pets and/or emotional support animals.
5.1 Prior to being allowed entry, and to protect the safety of our patients and caregivers, to comply with infection prevention guidance, each Visitor:
5.1.1 Must not experience symptoms of illness (including but not limited to fever or respiratory symptoms),
5.1.2 Must wear an appropriate mask as posted in facility signage (mask must cover the nose and mouth), and
5.1.3 Must commit to hand hygiene practices throughout their visit in the facility, utilizing provided hand sanitizers and soap and water as appropriate.
5.2 Compassionate Exceptions. If a compassionate exception to this policy is requested, the Manager, or house supervisor if after hours or on weekends, of the unit may determine the appropriate number of Visitors to meet the patients’ need while protecting the therapeutic care environment.
5.3 Escalation Process for Visitor Non-Compliance
5.3.1 If a Visitor has been granted access onto the premises and fails to comply with this policy, a three-strike process is implemented as follows: Caregiver will raise the concern (i.e., not wearing PPE appropriately) with the Visitor, utilizing the ARCC process (Ask a Question, Make a Request, Voice a Concern, if no success, use the Chain of Command). If the Visitor does not comply, Caregiver will escalate to nursing leadership. The unit manager/supervisor will utilize similar ARCC scripting such as: “To ensure the safety of our patients and caregivers, I must ask you to (insert task) in order to remain on the premises. If you choose to not comply, I will need to escalate this concern to our Security team.” If the Visitor continues not to comply, the unit manager/supervisor will call Security to notify that the Visitor has continued to not comply and Security needs to complete the third and final warning. If the Visitor continues to not comply with the policy, the Caregiver or unit manager/supervisor will contact Security to escort the Visitor off the premises.
At INTEGRIS Health, engaging loved ones in the healing process is a critical component of our patient care philosophy. However, to protect our patients, caregivers, visitors and the community during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, we are restricting the entrance of visitors into our hospitals (see visitation policy for details).