INTEGRIS Hospice enhances the quality and dignity of life for terminally ill and their families. Our hospice and palliative care program is a team-oriented approach to medical care, expert pain management and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to meet the patient and families' needs and wishes.
We understand terminal illness affects not only the patient, but everyone around that patient, whether they are immediate family members, friends or hired caregivers. Dealing with end-of-life care and facing the future can be overwhelming at times. The hospice staff recognizes the stress you experience; we are available to support you as you face these difficult days.
We cannot take away the pain of losing someone you love. We will walk this path with you, not only now, but also after the death. From the moment your loved one is on hospice, we are available to help in any manner we can.
Hospice care is tailored to meet individual patient and family needs. We may try several approaches of care before we find what works best. One of the most important elements is open communication. If you like the way things are going, tell us. If you are not satisfied, let us know so we can try something different. We are flexible in our approach, and we ask that you be flexible also.
If you have suggestions on how we can improve our services regarding patient care or safety, please first contact a manager at INTEGRIS Hospice, 405-848-8884. If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact: