James R. Daniel Stroke Center of Oklahoma
Our Joint Commission Certified Primary Stroke Center offers an innovative and comprehensive process for treating survivors of stroke; it offers educational opportunities designed to raise awareness about the risk factors of stroke, how to minimize them, and how to respond should the signs of a stroke present themselves to you or a loved one.
Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation
INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation is Oklahoma's foremost system of inpatient, outpatient, and community-based rehabilitative care for children and adults with acquired brain injury (traumatic brain injury, stroke and brain tumors), spinal cord injury, amputee or orthopedic conditions.
Neuromuscular Center
The INTEGRIS Health Neuromuscular Center is one of only thirty-eight centers in the United States certified by the Muscular Dystrophy Association to treat patients with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) otherwise known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease." Our multidisciplinary "Team Hope" provides patient centered care to patients who travel from as far away as Alaska to visit the clinic for ALS and other neuromuscular disorders and diseases.
INTEGRIS Health Neurosurgeons work around the clock to provide clinical excellence in treating the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and spinal column diseases amenable to surgical intervention. A newly renovated Operating Room, in addition to state-of-the-art technology, allows our comprehensive team of neurosurgical specialists and physicians to be progressive, creative, and encourage superior excellence across the complete continuum of care for our patients.
Pediatric Neurology
INTEGRIS Health Pediatric Neurology has received numerous awards and honors for their dedication to patients and excellent care. They are proud to provide exceptional care to their patients, close to home. The clinic provides medical care to patients up to 18 years of age through highly qualified physicians, and physician associate providers, who are supported by a team of friendly and professional staff.
Sleep Disorders Center
The Sleep Disorders Centers of Oklahoma has three locations: INTEGRIS Health Southwest Medical Center, INTEGRIS Health Baptist Medical Center and our newest location, Yukon Sleep Disorders Center. All three locations are dedicated centers of excellence offering diagnosis and treatment for people suffering from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, snoring, narcolepsy, movement disorders of sleep and insomnia.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)
INTEGRIS Health Physicians use the state-of-the-art Trilogy Stereotactic System to treat brain and spinal cord tumors, as well as other abnormalities of the brain, with precise delivery of single, high dose, targeted radiation. This non-invasive methodology is one of the fastest-growing areas of radiation today, and allows neuroscience patients an alternative to surgery, when the risk of complications outweigh the benefits.
Support Groups
Monthly support groups provide support, education, and information for survivors, families, and caregivers. Meetings throughout the year encompass interesting speakers and topics, as well as group activities. All participants are given the opportunity to share their experiences along the way to recovery and learn more about available resources that others have found valuable.
TeleHealth is a tool for physicians and other health care professionals to provide health care consultation and education using telecommunication networks. Use of the INTEGRIS TeleHealth Network enhances access to medical care for rural Oklahomans and others whose access to these services is limited.