INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation is a comprehensive adult inpatient rehabilitation program located on the INTEGRIS Health Southwest Medical Center campus, the INTEGRIS Health Baptist Medical Center campus, and the INTEGRIS Health Edmond Campus. We serve patients with rehabilitation diagnoses including orthopedic, neurologic and complex medical conditions.
Referrals are made from local and regional healthcare facilities and are reviewed through standard admitting procedures of INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation. INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation accepts Medicare/Medicaid and commercial insurance, but admission is non-discriminatory to payer source. Fees are based on payer agreements and federal regulations. Cultural and behavioral needs are assessed by the staff on admission. Physicians with staff privileges may follow their patients through the rehabilitation program, or refer them to the INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Medical Director for overall management. Physicians deciding to follow their patients through the program agree to the program’s general medical management plan.
Patients admitted to the program will be medically stabilized and cannot be ventilator dependent. A pre-admission screening is performed to assess the best placement for service within the continuum of care. Once admitted the clinical staff, including but not limited to physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers and case managers are provided directly by INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation work to assess the patient’s impairments, activity limitations, participation restrictions, and evaluate the potential for improvement, preparing an individualized treatment plan. Nursing, therapy and medical services are provided on a daily basis. Behavioral and psychological considerations are also taken into account in determining the most appropriate rehabilitation unit placement. The person served gives input into the goal-setting process. The intended discharge environment is identified early in the rehabilitation process to allow for appropriate and timely recommendations to be made by the treatment team and to facilitate planning for the patient and family.
Being connected to INTEGRIS Health Southwest Medical Center allows timely access to services including:
Medical services (including consults)
Diagnostic Imaging
Laboratory Services
Pharmacy Services (Both inpatient and outpatient)
In addition to these services, the patient and family have a variety of educational opportunities available which are designed to improve the understanding of the existing illness or disability. Family conferences are scheduled as needed to bring the patient, his/her family, and the treatment team together to discuss concerns and problems facing them. These sessions are designed to encourage and assist patients and families to think about the future, and begin to take the steps necessary to reach the outcomes desired.
When appropriate, the patient and his/her caregivers will be able to practice what they learn by taking scheduled therapeutic passes. The passes are planned by the treatment team and approved by the attending physician to assist the patient and family to make the adjustment to physical disability in a positive way. Additional assessments are also planned as necessary to make recommendations to the patient and family for home, employment, and school modifications to maximize independence.