INTEGRIS Health Paul Silverstein Burn Center

Patient Guide

Patient Nutrition

The healing process is accelerated and risk of infection decreased with good nutrition. Burn patients require higher than normal intake of calories and protein to compensate for the energy lost from the body building new tissue. Please consult the dietitian or nurse when bringing food to a patient. Each patient’s intake is calculated daily to ensure sufficient nutrients to meet his or her individual needs. Water contains no nutritional element and is not encouraged. A nourishment form is located on each patient's memo board for family members to write down snacks they have brought in for the patient. This should include any additional items (beverage and solids) consumed that were not provided on meal trays.

Patient Lounge

The lounge is available for patients day and night to give them a place to visit with their family and friends away from their room. Games, television and videos are available in this area. We stress that although this is a lounge, no sleeping will be permitted because our patients do enjoy this room all hours of the day.

Television Stations

Cable television along with a station guide is available in each patient room. INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center also offers patient and family education channels.