
Stroke can be prevented!

Did You Know?

Did you know that according to the American Stroke Association ...

  • Stroke can be prevented!
  • Stroke happens every 40 seconds in the United States
  • More than 795,000 new strokes every year in the United States
  • Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death, but the #1 cause of adult disability in the United States
  • Every minute matters recognizing and treating stroke – no time to waste getting help! Lifesaving treatments are available -But you must get to the hospital now! Don't wait and hope it gets better!
  • For every 12 minutes stroke treatment is delayed, a pea-sized piece of brain dies. Time Lost Is Brain Lost!

Did you know that risk factors for stroke include

  • High blood pressure (140/90) is the most significant stroke risk factor – but lowering even the bottom number 5 to 6 points from 90 lowers stroke risk 30-40%. Goal is 120/80.
  • Age (2/3 of strokes happen age 65 and older, but 1/3 happen younger than age 65).
    • Ten percent (10%) of all 25 to 40 year old adults will experience a stroke in their lifetime.
    • One in five strokes occur in people between the ages of 20 and 55.
  • Heart disease (especially an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation)
  • Previous stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack - often called "mini stroke")
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Did you know the warning signs of stroke are sudden

  • Slurred speech, loss of speech or inability to understand speech
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • One side of face droops
  • Weakness, numbness or paralysis
  • Severe headaches with no known cause
  • Confusion, dizziness or loss of balance or coordination.

If even one of these warning signs occur it is important to immediately call 911, even if they resolve quickly. A TIA (transient ischemic attack) often called "mini stroke" is a stroke "trying to happen." Don't ignore it. Get immediate emergency help. Stroke looks the same in young adults as it does in older adults.

BEFASTT- The acronym B-E-F-A-S-T-T( B=Balance: E=Eyes, check for vision loss, F=Facial Droop, A=Arm weakness or drift; S=Slurred Speech; T=Terrible Headache; T=Time to call 911) is a simple tool to educate patients about the most common warning signs and symptoms of a stroke, and to call 911 instantly if they even have a suspicion that a possible stroke has occurred. NO aspirin, water, food, NOTHING IN MOUTH. Teaching your children or loved ones could save your life.)

Did you know that INTEGRIS Health Stroke Centers

  • Have been nationally certified by the Joint Commission as Primary Stroke Centers
  • Have Code Stroke Teams (rapid response of specially trained physicians and nurses specifically for stroke in the Emergency Department) which meet and exceed the national standards for rapidly treating stroke.
  • Have dedicated Stroke Units whose physicians, nurses and therapists are specially trained in the care, assessment and management of stroke.

For more information about stroke, go to,, or call 405-644-6965.