Bone & Soft Tissue Sarcoma

These cancers develop in connective tissue, soft tissue or bone. That means they don’t develop in major organs, which is good news. But tumors can grow large before their impact is noticed.

One step at a time.

Understanding Sarcomas

Bone and soft tissue sarcomas are cancers that develop in connective tissue, soft tissue or bone. What that means for you is that they don't develop in major organs. However, it can also mean tumors grow large before their impact is noticed.

Because these cancers can develop in almost any part of the body, they can cause a wide variety of symptoms. But they can also be treated in many different ways, from surgery to radiation and chemotherapy.

Don't Go it Alone

INTEGRIS Health and INTEGRIS Cancer Institute are with you every step of the way, with the region's foremost collection of therapies, physicians and specialists. We'll explain the details of your specific sarcoma, the best way to fight it help you understand how the diagnosis and treatment will affect your life.

We'll walk every step by your side, from the first diagnosis and staging to treatment and even beyond – with rehabilitation designed specifically for cancer survivors.

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Understanding Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma