Together with INTEGRIS Health physicians, neuroscientists and experts, we’ll do all we can to forestall MS, alleviate the symptoms and help you learn to manage them.
The nerve fibers in your body are surrounded by a fatty tissue called myelin. When this is destroyed, scar tissue called “sclerosis” develops. This results in damage to the nerves, reducing their effectiveness in conducting electrical impulses to the brain. This problem is the main cause of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), though the underlying reason why the damage occurs is not fully understood – it may be autoimmune or a failure of the myelin cells themselves.
MS is a chronic, largely unpredictable disease, and affects everyone that has it differently. Some people with MS may have only mild symptoms. Others may lose their ability to see clearly, write, speak, or walk when communication between the brain and other parts of the body becomes disrupted.
Together with INTEGRIS Health physicians, neuroscientists and experts, we’ll do all we can to forestall MS, alleviate the symptoms and help you learn to manage them. Most people with MS live long, happy, fulfilling lives despite the challenges they face.
We strive to provide you with care that’s not only the best available, but care that’s convenient and as close to home as possible. These INTEGRIS Health locations near you are ready to help.