Occupational Lung Diseases

Sometimes your job can do more than leave you tired at the end of the day. It can make you sick.

Your job shouldn’t leave you sick.

Job-Related Lung Problems

Sometimes your job can do more than leave you tired at the end of the day. It can make you sick. Repeated and long-term exposure to certain irritants on the job can lead to an array of lung diseases that may have lasting effects, even after exposure ceases.

Contrary to a popular misconception, coal miners aren’t the only ones at risk. For instance, if you work in a car garage or textile factory, you can be exposed to hazardous chemicals, dusts, and fibers that may lead to a lifetime of lung problems if not properly diagnosed and treated. Even one single, severe exposure to a hazardous agent can damage the lungs.

The Statistics

According to the American Lung Association, occupational lung diseases like mesothelioma, black lung and COPD are the primary cause of occupation-associated illness in the U.S. And it all can be prevented.

Regardless of the cause, at INTEGRIS Health, we’re dedicated to helping you breathe easier. Our multi-discipline team will do everything in their power to treat your breathing problem and help you breathe easier.

Understanding Occupational Lung Diseases