Though any spinal cord injury is unfortunate, you are fortunate to have INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe nearby, with the region’s foremost array of therapies, experts and technology.
Your spinal cord is a crucially important part of your central nervous system. It’s responsible for carrying nerve signals such as muscle commands, feelings and senses back and forth from your brain to every part of your body and is protected by your spine. When it’s injured due to traumatic injury, infection or tumors, it can be bruised or torn. This is called a spinal cord injury (SCI), and the results range widely depending on the location and severity of the injury. It can range from minor decreased sensation to paralysis.
Spinal cord injuries are often discussed in terms of whether they are “complete” or “incomplete.” A complete injury means that there is no movement or feeling below the level of the injury, while an incomplete injury means that there is still some degree of feeling or movement below the level of the injury.
Whether you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury or it’s happened to someone you love, you’re likely scared and confused. Though such an injury is certainly unfortunate, you are fortunate to have INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe nearby. Jim Thorpe brings you the region’s most comprehensive collection of therapies, experts and technologies, making life after a spinal cord injury more fulfilling, active and independent than was ever possible before. Your multidisciplinary team of physiatrists, therapists and specialists will be with you through each and every step of recovery – caring not only for the injury but for the whole you.
Since 1985, INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma City has been one of America’s largest and most respected systems for both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation needs.