Andrea Corbishley, M.D.

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

5720 W. Memorial Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73142

Andrea Corbishley, M.D., is a board-certified family medicine physician with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group North MacArthur in Oklahoma City.

She is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Medicine and she completed her residency at the University of Washington in Seattle. After experiencing life on both coasts, she returned to her native state to establish her practice.

"Listening to their story is one of the most important things to do when with a patient. You get to learn not only what is physically wrong, but you learn how they feel about medication and their illness. The biggest accomplishment in my career would be for a patient to think that they were well-cared for by me." 

Areas of Interest

  • Family Care
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Pediatrics
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Skin Care and Skin Procedures
In her spare time, she enjoys rock climbing, kayaking, hiking, painting and crafts.
Accreditation / Boards
Family Medicine
Insurance Accepted
If you do not see your plan listed below, please contact our clinic to determine if we accept your insurance. Always call the office to confirm your insurance is accepted.

AARP Medicare Complete by UHC
Aetna Managed Choice
Aetna Medicare Advantage


University of Virginia School of Medicine



Andrea Corbishley, M.D.

Meet Dr. Andrea Corbishley, a Family Medicine Doctor at INTEGRIS Family Care Northwest.

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