Brenna Stanley, APRN

Family Medicine, Primary Care


Brenna Stanley is accepting new patients.

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Primary Location

5915 W. Memorial Road
Suite 300
Oklahoma City, OK 73142

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Brenna Stanley, APRN, is an advanced practice registered nurse at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Memorial West.

Brenna Stanley, APRN, is a board-certified nurse practitioner who earned a Master of Science in Nursing degree from Spring Arbor University in Michigan. She feels passionate about preventive medicine and educating her patients on steps they can take now to prevent illness in the future.

"I find joy in caring for the whole family through their unique stages in life, fostering formed relationships over many visits and ensuring that they have the confidence they need to live a healthy lifestyle.”

Brenna is originally from Oklahoma and met her husband while they were working overseas. She just had her first child last year. They love to travel, spend time with family and friends, and try new local restaurants


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