Brent Tipton, M.D.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Brent Tipton is accepting new patients.


Primary Location

4219 S. Western (Administration)
Oklahoma City, OK 73109

Brent Tipton, M.D., practices inpatient physical medicine rehabilitation at INTEGRIS Health Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation in Oklahoma City. 

Tipton is a native Oklahoman. He earned a degree in pharmacy from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, his medical degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, and did specialty training in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Ohio State University. 

He holds a primary board certification in physical medicine and rehabilitation and is subspecialty certified in neuromuscular medicine, brain injury medicine and pain medicine. 
Tipton has served in many roles while affiliated with INTEGRIS including associate medical director of Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation and medical director of INTEGRIS Home Health. He also provided a teaching rotation for Great Plains Family Medicine Residency Program for 20 years. He will continue his current role as medical director of both INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation and the INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation stroke program. 

Tipton serves on the INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center board, INTEGRIS Health Partners board, the physicians operations council and multiple committees. 


Accreditation / Boards
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation



An Introduction: Dr. Brent Tipton

Dr. Brent Tipton is board certified in physical medicine & rehabilitation (physiatry).
Courage: Dr. Brent Tipton
Home: Dr. Brent Tipton
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