Brittany Farquhar, APRN-CNP

Pediatric Endocrinology


Brittany Farquhar is accepting new patients.


Primary Location

3330 N.W. 56th
Suite 618
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Brittany Farquhar, APRN-CNP, CDCES, is a board-certified nurse practitioner with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Pediatric Endocrinology in Oklahoma City.

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from The University of Oklahoma and her Masters of Science in Nursing from The University of South Alabama where she gained comprehensive medical education and training.

"I know all too well what it is like living with a chronic illness and having to go to many different specialists growing up. Because of my own experiences, I want to be able to work with patients and their families to help them navigate and meet their health goals. I also want my patients to know that they aren’t alone in their diagnosis, and they will always have someone in their corner, even on rough days."

Areas of Interest

  • Pediatrics
  • Diabetes care and education
  • Endocrinology

Brittany lives in Norman with her husband, two boys and their black lab, Toby. In her free time, she loves spending time with family, watching sports, listening to music, being outdoors and spending summers at the lake.

Accreditation / Boards


The University of South Alabama Mobile, AL Master of Science in Nursing Present - December 2023 The University of Oklahoma Oklahoma City, OK Bachelors in Nursing Science May 2020 Rose State College Midwest City, OK Associates in Nursing December 2017

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