Charles Ferrell, M.D.

Family Medicine, Primary Care


Charles Ferrell is accepting new patients.

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Primary Location

500 N. Main St.
Hennessey, OK 73742

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Charles Ferrell, M.D., is a family medicine specialist with over 18 years of experience. He was born and raised in northwest Oklahoma.

After earning his Bachelor of Science from Abilene Christian University, he then went on to graduate from the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine. Following medical school, he completed residency training in family medicine at St. Anthony’s Family Medicine in Oklahoma City.

"Patients are to be treated like a close family member would be treated."

Areas of interest

  • Preventative care
  • Pediatrics
  • Office procedures

Dr. Ferrell and his wife, Anna, decided to return to his hometown of Hennessey to raise their six children. In addition to the practice of medicine, he and his family enjoy raising cattle and are actively involved at the Hennessey Church of Christ, where Dr. Ferrell serves as an elder. He enjoys going on mission trips to different countries, most recently to Guatemala.

Accreditation / Boards
Family Medicine
Spanish, English


University of Oklahoma - Medical School

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