David Hollrah, M.D.

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

12200 Ashford Dr.
Yukon, OK 73099

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

David Hollrah, M.D., is a board-certified family medicine physician with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Surrey Hills in Yukon, Oklahoma.

Dr. Hollrah graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, and completed his residency at the INTEGRIS Great Plains family medicine residency program.

"Family medicine is one of the few specialties where you can really come to know your patients. I get to watch families expand and kids grow up, and I have the opportunity to be there every step of the way. Treating the whole person, the whole family, is an extremely fulfilling experience for me, and for that I’m grateful." 

Areas of Interest

  • Preventive Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Hospice care
  • Asthma
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
He lives in northwest Oklahoma City with his two children. In his spare time, Hollrah enjoys reading, gardening, mindfulness meditation and listening to podcasts. He loves taking his kids on walks to the park and swimming in the summer.
Accreditation / Boards
Family Medicine
Insurance Accepted
If you do not see your plan listed below, please contact our clinic to determine if we accept your insurance. Always call the office to confirm your insurance is accepted.

AARP Medicare Complete by UHC
Aetna Managed Choice
Aetna Medicare Advantage


University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

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David Hollrah, M.D.

David Hollrah, M.D., is a family physician at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Surrey Hills.

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