Dustin Baylor, M.D.

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

2821 N. Van Buren St.
Enid, OK 73703

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Dustin Lee Baylor, M.D., specializes in family medicine, serving patients of all ages. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. He then completed a residency in Family Practice at the Saint Anthony Family Practice Residency Program, where he served as chief resident.

Dr. Baylor is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. He is a member of the American Academy of Family Practice, the Oklahoma Academy of Family Practice and the Endocrine Society. He has served as Past-President of the Garfield County Medical Society, President of the NW Oklahoma Medical Foundation and as a board member for the Oklahoma Blood Institute.

Dr. Baylor's practice includes an emphasis on diabetes education, Geriatrics and total family care.

Accreditation / Boards
Family Medicine

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Dustin Baylor, M.D.

Dustin Lee Baylor, M.D., specializes in family medicine, serving patients of all ages.

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