Kassidy Ford, PA-C

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

9417 N. Council Rd.
Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73162

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

KASSIDY FORD, PA-­C, is a board-certified physician assistant with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Council Crossing.

She completed her undergraduate studies at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. Kassidy attended the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center where she gained comprehensive medical education and training and her Master of Health Sciences in Physician Assistant Studies. Kassidy enjoys treating patients of all ages, especially pediatrics.

“I am passionate about providing the same excellent and compassionate care I would want my family to receive. I want patients to leave with a good understanding of their diagnosis and treatment plan".

Kassidy lives in Oklahoma City with her husband and puppy, Oakley. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, traveling, camping, hiking and watching OSU sports.

Accreditation / Boards


University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Masters of Health Sciences in Physician Associate Studies Oklahoma State University

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