Kristy Miller, APRN-CNP

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

1401 SW 34th
Suite 200
Moore, OK 73160

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Kristy Miller, APRN-CNP, is a nurse practitioner with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Moore.

She received her Master’s of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

Her special interests include women’s health and pediatrics. In her spare time, she enjoys spending quality time at the lake with her husband and two dogs.

"I chose family medicine because of the diversity. I love caring for patients of all ages and treating both chronic and acute conditions. I treat my patients with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or current health status."


Insurance Accepted
If you do not see your plan listed below, please contact our clinic to determine if we accept your insurance. Always call the office to confirm your insurance is accepted.

AARP Medicare Complete by UHC
Aetna Managed Choice
Aetna Medicare Advantage


University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, University of Oklahoma

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