Preethi Krishnan, M.D.

Family Medicine, Primary Care


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Primary Location

3330 N.W. 56th St.
Suite 220
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Preethi Krishnan, M.D., is a family practice physician with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Baptist in Oklahoma City.

She believes in providing care in a compassionate and personalized manner, working with her patients to help them take care of their health; physically, mentally and spiritually.

Dr. Krishnan is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, and she completed her residency at Via Christi Family Medicine in Wichita, Kansas. She provides care for adults and children of all ages, and especially enjoys caring for entire families.

"I try really hard to listen to what the patient is saying, and I think our office staff does a good job of following up with our patients a few days later. Sometimes, if a patient gets tough news, you may tune the doctor out and not be present for the rest of the visit, so when we follow up a few days later it lets you know that we really do care about you and we do want you to feel better." 

Dr. Krishnan lives in Edmond with her husband, son, daughter and two dogs. Some of her hobbies include photography, traveling and running.

Accreditation / Boards
Family Medicine
Hindi, Tamil, English
Insurance Accepted
If you do not see your plan listed below, please contact our clinic to determine if we accept your insurance. Always call the office to confirm your insurance is accepted.

AARP Medicare Complete by UHC
Aetna Managed Choice
Aetna Medicare Advantage


University of Oklahoma College of Medicine



Preethi Krishnan, M.D.

Meet Dr. Preethi Krishnan, a family medicine physician at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Baptist.

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