Thomas Hsing, M.D.

Orthopedic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Joint Replacement, Adult Reconstruction


Thomas Hsing is accepting new patients.


Primary Location

4833 INTEGRIS Parkway
Suite 150
Edmond, OK 73034

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

Thomas Hsing, M.D., is an orthopedic surgeon with INTEGRIS Health in Edmond and Enid.

He attended medical school at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Dr. Hsing completed an orthopedic surgery residency at the University of Louisville and an Adult Reconstruction Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship at the University of Missouri. Dr. Hsing’s passion for medicine is incorporating technology and advances to help decrease variables and improve quality.

"I enjoy helping my patients regain quality of life and be able to ambulate without pain."

Areas of Interest

  • Diagnose and treatment (both surgical and non-surgical) for general orthopedic trauma and injuries
  • Hip and knee replacement including infections
  • Instability and catastrophic implant failures
  • Recurrent dislocations
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Total knee arthroplasty
  • Total hip arthroplasty evaluation

Dr. Hsing has a wife and three kids with whom he loves to spend time. His other passions are mountain biking and fixing cars.




B.S. Mechanical Engineering with Pre-medicine option - University of Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma

Medical School

M.D. University of Oklahoma College of Medicine - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Adult Reconstruction Orthopaedic Surgery Fellowship - University of Missouri - Columbia, Missouri


Orthopaedic Surgery Residency - University of Louisville - Louisville, Kentucky


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