William Nechtow, D.O., MS

General Surgery, Burn and Wound Care


William Nechtow is accepting new patients.


Primary Location

3300 NW Expressway
3rd Floor
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Employed by INTEGRIS Health

William Nechtow, D.O., MS, is a general surgeon with fellowship training in surgical critical care, specializing in the care of complex burn injury at the INTEGRIS Health Paul Silverstein Burn Center in Oklahoma City.

He completed general surgery residency at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, IA and fellowship training at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX. Netchtow is board-certified in general surgery and in surgical critical care.

Areas of Interest

  • Pediatric and adult burns
  • Acute care surgery
  • Trauma
  • Complex wounds
Accreditation / Boards
General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care
English, German, Spanish


D.O., Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine, General Surgery Residency, Mercy Medical Center, Surgical Critical Care Fellowship with burn emphasis, University of Texas Medical Branch



William Nechtow, D.O., MS

William Nechtow D.O, MS is a general surgeon with fellowship training in surgical critical care specializing in the care of complex burn injury at the INTEGRIS Paul Silverstein Burn Center.

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