INTEGRIS Health offers four code statuses:

  • Full Code – we will do every medically appropriate thing we can to attempt to restart your heart or breathing
  • Do Not Resuscitate – We will treat you with all medically appropriate interventions to help you get better, but if your heart or breathing stop, we allow that natural death to occur
  • Do Not IntubateDo Not Resuscitate – We will treat you with all medically appropriate interventions to help you get better, but if your breathing worsens, we will not put the tube in your throat that lets a machine to breathe for you, and when your heart or breathing stop, we allow natural death
  • Comfort Care – we will only provide care that increases your comfort and allows your natural death

If this information brings up questions about the best choices for you, talk with your health care provider.

Questions you might ask:

  • What do you think my odds are of surviving CPR?
  • How much longer do you think I could live if my heart stopped and I was resuscitated today?
  • If my heart stopped and I was resuscitated, do you think I would require long-term admission to a nursing home or long-term care facility?

Conversations about code status are part of the whole process called advance care planning (ACP) – making your values and wishes for your care known, in case you ever lose your ability to communicate. Other components of ACP can be completing an advance directive or power of attorney. Click here to learn more about your choices and the documents involved.

We know these conversations can be daunting. We want to partner with you as you navigate teaching us how to care for you.