Breast Health Services

You’ve heard a lot about breast cancer. But today’s facts leave a lot of room for hope. 90 percent of breast cancer cases can be successfully treated – but early detection is crucial.

The kind of care you expect – and deserve.

Surprising Facts

Chances are you've heard a lot about breast cancer in your life. You've heard scary statistics and maybe even seen people you love fight it. But today's facts leave a lot of room for hope. About 300,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year. But it might surprise you to know that 90 percent of breast cancer cases can be successfully treated if detected early.

It's Clear

Early detection is crucial. That's why at INTEGRIS Health we not only encourage you to get a mammogram each year if you're over 40, we also bring you the latest, most accurate, life-saving breast imaging technology. That means that we can reduce false positives and find over 40% more invasive cancers at earlier, more treatable stages.

Beyond Cancer

The imaging and diagnostic services available to you at INTEGRIS Health aren't just for cancer, they're also incredibly useful for diagnosing and tracking the treatment of many other breast cancer concerns, like breast calcifications, cysts, lumps, pain, dense breasts and other breast problems.

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Doctor Oklahoma Podcast- Episode 6: Breast Cancer Awareness

Dr. Nasser Janbay, M.D. is a medical oncologist at the INTEGRIS Cancer Institute and is our guest on this episode of Doctor Oklahoma. Dr. Janbay discusses breast cancer risk factors, treatment options and the new advancements in breast cancer research.