Thanks to earlier diagnosis and better treatment, today’s life expectancy for people with CF is late thirties and beyond. And INTEGRIS Health will be with you every step of the way.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetically inherited, life-threatening disease that affects many organs, and there is no known cure. It's always life-changing to learn your child has a disease, but there is good news with cystic fibrosis.
Thanks to earlier diagnosis and better treatment, in the past few decades remarkable improvements have been made in the prognosis for cystic fibrosis. Life expectancy used to be in the early teens or younger. Today, it's late thirties and beyond. And INTEGRIS Health will be with you every step of the way, with the best physicians and specialists, the latest technology and the emotional support you need.
If someone in your family has CF, you might be carrying the CF gene without being affected by the disease – or being aware you're carrying it. Even if you're not affected by it, you could pass CF on to a child. So it's important to do a simple blood sample or cheek test to see if you're a carrier.