Transplant & LVAD Rehabilitation

Though you’ve been given the gift of life, there are some challenges to face, and you’re bound to be more successful if we face them together.

Making the most of your gift of life.

After the Transplant

After receiving a left ventricular device (LVAD) or major organ transplant, you have a whole new life to get accustomed to. Though you’ve been given the gift of life, there are challenges to face, and you’re bound to be more successful if we face them together.

Standard-Setting Rehabilitation

INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation offers the most comprehensive range of inpatient and outpatient services in the region to help you learn to a live a full, healthy life with your LVAD or new organ. Our interdisciplinary team is dedicated to recovery not just of physical deficits, but of the whole person – emotionally, physically, mentally and socially.

Understanding Transplant and LVAD Rehabilitation