Community for us. For you.

Community Giving/Grants

INTEGRIS Health offers annual community grants to not-for-profit partners whose evidence-based programs align with the Community Health Improvement goals/focus areas in each of the communities we serve. For more information, call 405-550-3762.


Launched in 1992, INTEGRIS Health’s Adopt-a-Family initiative identifies families and individuals within our community who may not receive gifts during the holiday season. Caregivers, volunteers and teams join together in the spirit of giving to adopt deserving recipients who have been identified from elementary schools, senior centers and churches, as well as patients at the INTEGRIS Mental Health facilities in Spencer and Enid. On average, Adopt-a-Family sponsors more than 100 families, senior citizens and children annually. For more information, call 405-990-9765

I-CREW - Caring and Responding in Every Way

The INTEGRIS Health CREW allows us to tap into the vast caregiver resources across our organization. All INTEGRIS Health caregivers have the opportunity to participate. By collaborating with community partners, the INTEGRIS Health CREW provides volunteers for community projects. By serving on the I-CREW, we make a difference, while enjoying fun and fellowship with our INTEGRIS Health family. More than 500 INTEGRIS Health caregivers and leaders have volunteered their time to this initiative. For more information, call 405-644-6861.

INTEGRIS Health Community Clinic

In January 1993, INTEGRIS Health opened a free medical clinic in the inner city of Oklahoma City. The clinic offers adult patients care for chronic diseases, diabetes classes and limited diabetes eye exams, and has a pharmacy for its patients. With almost one in four Oklahomans uninsured, the need for health care is great. We have made an impact in the community by helping thousands of patients through the years with a variety of needs. The clinic operates three days a month and sees approximately 80 to 100 patients each night. For more information, call 405-636-7458.

Men’s Health University

Statistics show that Oklahoma men are nearly twice as likely as women to fail to get routine medical check-ups or care, and frequently ignore symptoms or delay medical attention when sick or in pain. To raise awareness of this issue and help turn the tide, INTEGRIS Health’s innovative men’s initiative – Men’s Health University – in partnership with local community organizations offers a series of health education presentations, programs and events that take place throughout the year designed to educate men and their families on the importance of taking charge of their own health. Health checks such as cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and prostate cancer screenings are featured at several men’s health events held annually throughout the state. We also celebrate in June during National Men’s Health Week and during November for the “Movember” men’s health and wellness campaign celebrated around the world. Empowering men with information is an important first step to improving their overall health and longevity. These events are a great way for men to learn about health care issues in a fun, supportive environment. For more information, call 405-644-6861.

Mobile Meals

INTEGRIS Health partners with Meals on Wheels of Oklahoma County to provide meals to senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Volunteer drivers deliver meals to recipients five days a week. For some senior citizens this program enables them to keep their independence, and enhances the lives of these individuals. For more information, call 405-990-9765

The Positive Directions Mentoring Program

Founded in 1992 by INTEGRIS Health, the Positive Directions mentoring program recruits, trains and places adult mentors in local elementary schools to enrich the lives and academic success of our Oklahoma City and surrounding community children. The purpose of the program is to provide a caring adult for each student participant. Mentors spend an hour each week at the school site, building a relationship, being a friend and helping the student with academic and social/behavioral challenges. The most common feedback we receive from Positive Directions mentors is that they get as much out of the mentoring experience as the child does, and that it’s the favorite part of their week! It’s a win-win, and our mentors are having a significant impact on student success. For more information, call 405-990-9765.

Cancer Support Group/Grupo de Apoyo de Cáncer

INTEGRIS Health was the first health care organization in Oklahoma City to offer a cancer support group in Spanish. The support group began meeting in August 2004 with three members and has grown to more than 75 members. The support group sessions, led by cancer patients and care-partners, are designed to respond to the informational needs of cancer patients and their families as well as provide emotional support. This support group is unique in the sense that it provides Spanish speakers the opportunity to share their thoughts, concerns and fear with other cancer patients and survivors. Sessions are offered free of charge to anyone in the community affected by cancer as a patient or family member. Participants meet monthly at the INTEGRIS Cancer Institute at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center. For more information, call 405-636-7458.

Diabetes Focus Groups/Focos de Educación de Diabetes

The classes are offered at different locations. Participants are required to attend six sessions that include diabetes generalities, use of a glucose monitor, nutrition, exercise, medication, and diabetic feet and other complications. New patients receive a “diabetic kit.” This class helps people with diabetes to understand their chronic condition and take charge of their care. Classes are led by diabetic educators and health promoters For more information, call 405-636-7549

Grief Series/Pérdida, Dolor, Recuperación

This five week program provides information and support for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one through death. Participants receive information about normal grief responses and practical tools to help support them with their own unique experience of loss and recovery. The group sessions are held at INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center. For more information, call 405-636-7458.

Hispanic Health Fair/Feria Hispana de la Salud

The Hispanic Health Fair has impacted thousands of Hispanics in the Oklahoma City area for more than two decades and each year continues to serve more people in our community. Screenings include eye checks, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure and stroke assessments. Cancer checks include oral, skin, prostate and clinical breast exams by appointment. Home colorectal kits are also available. More than one hundred agencies participate, offering information about health, education and community resources. The Hispanic Health Fair is a good resource for the Hispanic community to update its information. For more information, call 405-636-7549.

Monthly Lectures/Conferencias Mensuales

We offer health related lectures every month based on the season of the year and the need in the community. Topics are selected based on the needs of the general population and the new advances and breakthroughs in health issues. Our presentations are held in different locations per request of our partners For more information, call 405-636-7549.

Nutrition Classes/Clases de Nutrición

In the United States, Hispanics are disproportionately impacted by obesity and chronic health conditions, compared to the general population. Eating a healthy well-balanced diet filled with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, low-fat dairy and lean protein is important for health and wellness. Knowing what and how much to eat is the key to being healthy. This program is a series of four weekly sessions. Classes are held in Spanish by nutrition educators and health promoters. Topics include healthy weight loss, how to read a food label, diet and cardiovascular disease, diet and osteoporosis, and how to eat healthy during the holidays along with information on how diet and nutrition affect diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and osteoporosis in the Hispanic community. Participants taste the delicious recipes we demonstrate in each class. For more information, call 405-636-7458

Ask a Dietitian

Consultation with a registered dietitian is offered free of charge to INTEGRIS Health participants. This community service focuses on general nutrition questions and is not intended as a substitute for therapeutic diets or medical nutrition therapy. For more information, call 405-644-5140.

INTEGRIS Health Classes & Events

INTEGRIS Health offers a wide variety of classes and community events aimed at promoting health and wellness in Oklahoma.