Please note, the frequency of the preventive care may be different from what is listed below, for you. Please discuss your personal care plan with your physician.
A preventive care visit may not be required this calendar year if you are current on the below guideline. Please note that the frequency of preventive care may differ from what is listed below. Please discuss your personal care plan with your primary care physician.
Cervical Cancer Screening (pap/pelvic exam):
Breast Cancer Screening (mammogram):
Colorectal Cancer Screening (current on one of the below):
*See pages 39-42 in the benefits handbook, for a list of preventive care benefits covered at 100 percent, deductible waived, when you use in-network providers.
Looking for a new Primary Care Provider?
Please contact INTEGRIS Health Partners Care Coordination to help you find a provider at 405-951-2504 or 855-582-3003.
Or simply click here to find INTEGRIS Health physicians with online scheduling. You can even search for providers accepting New Patients within your area.